Hollywood star Jessica Alba has hit out at claims that her husband shared a kiss with actress Lindsay Lohan.
The 28-year-old dismisses the rumours as ‘ridiculous’ and insists that she and Lohan are close friends in a revealing magazine interview
'Lindsay’s had to deal with this for so long.' she says. 'Everyone has to live their life, and that’s what people forget when you’re in this business … she’s really nice.
We hang out and chat for hours about girl stuff.’
In the interview, which appears in the latest edition of Cosmopolitan, Alba says that she has gotten used to the constant media speculation about her life and no longer gets worked about it.
'When people wrote lies about me before I had [my daughter] Honor, I’d get upset or I’d get nauseous or I’d get angry or I’d want revenge. Now, it’s like, it’s just so ridiculous and it’s not even close to being the truth.'
She goes on to reveal that her husband, Cash Warren, 30, and Lindsay Lohan may soon be doing a TV show together on the tabloid press.

Us Weekly magazine alleged that Lohan and Warren had shared a 'raw' kiss at a Hollywood nightclub last November.

When asked about the allegations, Lohan told the magazine: 'That is absurd. He is married. I wouldn't dare kiss him.'
However this is the first time Alba has commented on the report .
Alba and Warren, who met on the set of The Fantastic Four, were married last May but the actress has admitted that it took her a long time to agree to it because she feels that the tradition of marriage has been ‘warped.’
‘Originally it [marriage] was two families coming together to make a stronger family,’ she says.
‘It was about survival – not love or soulmates. And it wasn’t until the last, what, 100 years that we’ve put this onus on marriage being about finding your soulmate.
Alba says she she also had issues with the idea of women having to be a 'princess' on their big day.

‘...the way they market marriage – even as a kid through Disney movies – is that it’s all about Prince Charming sweeping you off your feet.
'There’s this mentality that you need the big dress and the big day – the day every girl gets to be a princess. I didn’t agree with any of that.
'I chose to get married because, essentially, you’re given a deck of cards in life… the one person you can choose to bring into your life as your family and to have that unconditional love with is your husband or wife.
'I’m choosing you as my family, and we’re going to love each other through thick and thin.'
Since giving birth to daughter Honor Marie 20 months ago, Alba has made five movies and is set to begin filming a new comedy alongside Christopher Walken soon.
Her latest movie Valentine's Day is released later this week.
source: dailymail
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